Friday 26 August 2011

A Day to Celebrate!

We are now at day 8, and I had my follow up with Dr. Black.
We met him in the clinic at the hospital, and while waiting in the exam area, he peeked in and said "I'll be right back. I have good news."
When he came back, he said that all the test had come back negative - no cancer of DCIS cells. After a moment of smiles and laughter, he went on with a further explanation.  It seems that the two spots with suspicious cells were actually very small, and would have been able to be removed with minimal surgery. However, as with this whole experience, nothing was that simple. It seems that the lab found two more separate spots - neither of which was seen on the other diagnostic tests. This means that had I just went with the minimal surgery, these spots would have been left behind.  They would have eventually become the fast-moving, very, very aggressive cancer that he feared. These are the cells that would pop up and spread through my body with very little time to find them and treat them.  (i.e. - the person who is diagnosed with cancer and given 3 months to live) YIKES!!

So it seems that we did make the right decision after all!

When I saw him today, he removed 9 stitches, the drain, and told me that I can drive. He also is referring me to the cancer clinic in London (a standard procedure) so that they can confirm everything he said. I go back to see him next Friday for removal of the 31 staples that are left.

As for us, we are heading to the St. Thomas Iron Horse Festival to have some dinner and a pint of beer.  I think the best word I heard today came from Katie when I texted her about the results.


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